PickeringMSC 2023-24 End of the Season Party Reminder

A quick reminder of our PickeringMSC end of the season party.

If you have already responded to the RSVP, thank you. If not, we would love to hear from you.

You a cordially invited to join us at Peter and Diane Chauvin’s home on Saturday June 8, 2024 to enjoy a bit to eat and drink and the company of your fellow swimmers.

This invitation is being extended to all who have registered with the club during the 2023/24 season even if you didn’t manage to make it to the pool.

For the invitation, please click on the google link below for the invitation and RSVP


PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

PickeringMSC March 2024 Scheduling Reminders and Changes

Just a couple of Scheduling reminders

  • Thursday March 7, 2024 – As it is the first Thursday of the Month, session will be LC (50M) at TPASC 8:30 – 9:30 pm. All are encouraged to come, even if you are not a Thursday swimmer.
  • March Break
    • DIP (Dunbarton Indoor Pool) – Last Swim before March Break, this Saturday March 9, 2024. Swimming will resume at DIP Monday March 18, 2024.
    • There will be a practice at TPASC Tuesday March 12, 2024 8:30 – 9:30 PM. Again all welcome even if you are not a Tuesday Swimmer.

TPASC Access Cards – All PMSC members should have one, even if you do not regularly swim at TPASC. Don’t have yours, just send us a note and we will get printed for you. If you are going to TPASC for a session and do have a card, just have the desk let you in as a PMSC member.

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

PickeringMSC 2024 TPASC Parking Update

Just a quick update for folks who go to TPASC. As of today, non TPASC members i.e. most of us will have to use the east lot instead of the North lot. So, off  the 401 and Morningside, continue past the north lot entry on Pan Am Drive to the east lot entry. The 2-hour free complimentary parking remains the same. It would be noted that this is actually closer to the main desk and pool access.


PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

PickeringMSC 2024 First Thursday Of the Month at TPASC

Happy New Year! Reminder, it is the first Thursday of the month and tonight’s practice will be Long Course at TPASC. In the water at 8:30 pm. It would be great if folks could be on deck 5 to 10 minutes before if possible.

Hope to see you there.

If you would like to view the FB link please click facebook Link. Note: you not have to be a facebook user or become one to view this and other posts for the Pickering Masters Swim Club.

Please consider book marking this to keep up with future posts.

PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)


Pickering MSC Registration for Winter-Spring 2024 Session

We hope you have enjoyed the holidays. If you have not done so, please register for the Winter/Spring 2024 session which runs through Thursday May 30, 2024. We start up again next week with the first workout being next Tuesday, January 2nd at the Pan Am pool.

As mentioned in the newsletter earlier this month, please go online https://pickeringmsc.ca/membership/  to register your preference for one, two or three/four times per week. Fees are $190, $315 and $375 respectively. For returning members, your $15 MSO annual fee has already been paid for the 2023-2024 season.

The calendar remains the same: Monday, Thursday and Saturday practices at Dunbarton, with Tuesdays and the first Thursday of each month at the Pan Am (TPASC) pool. Dunbarton will be closed the week of March 11 but a practice will be held at the Pan Am pool on Tuesday, March 12.

PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

Pickering MSC Swim Ontario Masters IM Fast Meet

The IM Fast meet has been hosted at the Pan Am pool in Scarborough the past two years. Each competitor swims a 50 of all the strokes in Individual Medley order, followed by a 100 I.M.

Andy Manahan was the sole representative of PMSC. Out of eight swimmers in his age group, he tied for 2nd in the 50 Fly, 3rd in the 50 Free and 100 I.M., 5th in the 50 Back and 6th in the 50 Breast. Andy says that “this meet is a good opportunity to see how you are doing early in the season and to benchmark your times from a year ago”. Here are his times and, in brackets his times from the meet held in Dec. 2022. All of his times, except for the 50 Back, were a bit faster than a year ago.

50 Fly 33.96 (33.98)

50 Back 44.12 (43.97)

50 Breast 45.13 (45.70)

50 Free 32.12 (32.51)

100 I.M. 1:25.06 (1:27.00)

PMSC swimmers are encouraged to attend a swim meet in 2024.

PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

Pickering MSC Last Thursday of the Year Social Outing

You are invited.

We will meet at the Knight’s Corner after our last swim of 2023. You do not have to swim to join in the camaraderie. Just come after 10:15. All welcome whether you are actively swimming with the club or not. It is also 1/2 price night. So why not come out and have a bit and a pint (or other if you do not drink)

If you are on Facebook, please follow link FB Last Thursday of the Year Social

PMSC Executive

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)

PickeringMSC Newsletter Dec. 2023

Dear PMSC members

Please click to see a Pdf version of the PickeringMSC Newsletter Dec. 2023

Dear PMSC members: It has been great to see everyone out at both the Dunbarton and Pan Am pools during the Fall session, with many wearing our new caps (and t-shirts in warmer weather). The last session will be held on Saturday, Dec. 23 at Dunbarton. Below is an update on items of interest:


Winter/Spring 2024 sign up: Registration for the upcoming session is now available online at https://pickeringmsc.ca/membership/. We are continuing with the options of one, two and three/four times per week, with fees of $190, $315 and $375 respectively. The period will be from Jan. 2 to May 30. For returning members, your $15 MSO annual fee has already been paid for the 2023-2024 season.

The calendar remains the same: Monday, Thursday and Saturday practices at Dunbarton, with Tuesdays and the first Thursday of each month at the Pan Am (TPASC) pool. Note that the first workout of the year will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 2 at the Pan Am pool. Also, Dunbarton will be closed the week of March 11 but a practice will be held at the Pan Am pool on Tuesday, March 12.


New members: We currently have 42 paid members but would like to increase to 50 for 2024. Achieving a total of 50+ paid members allows us to maintain our fees at a reasonable level. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining PMSC, please let them know about the benefits of the club. Potential members are welcome to try a session as long as the insurance waiver is signed. There are spaces for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday sessions although Saturday morning is nearly full.

As you know, Pickering Masters has two excellent coaches – Rene St. Aubin and Liane Coholan. – who are dedicated to helping swimmers of all levels improve their strokes and fitness. We have received good feedback regarding the whiteboards which are used to write down the workouts. This is especially the case where the sets are more complicated or have drills.


Website and social media: A website refresh is underway. For starters, photos of club members will be posted on the home page. Efforts will also be made to improve the look and content of the site. Following the AGM held on Oct. 18th, a committee was formed to enhance PMSC’s social media profile. Todd Latham heads this committee. For both the website and Facebook, we are seeking testimonials from members about their impressions of the club and, for social media, to share and like stories.


Equipment: PMSC members receive a 20 per cent discount at the Team Aquatics retail store located at the south end of the TPASC facility. This can be used to purchase equipment such as bathing suits, paddles, goggles, snorkels and pull buoys.


Executive: At the AGM, the following slate was approved:

Andy Manahan, President; Dave McMullan, VP and Registrar; Ed Rutland, Treasurer; Janet McMullan, Secretary; Liz Watson and Naomi Eisenberg, Social and Communications.

Swim meets: A note was recently sent about upcoming swim meets. The Ted Roach Memorial SCY meet will be taking place at the Alderwood pool on January 28. This is an MSO-sanctioned meet, so all PMSC members are entitled to register for this meet. Here are links to both MSO and Swim Ontario (SO) sites:



An additional fee of $62.50 is required to compete in SO meets.


Year-end PMSC party: David and Janet McMullan will be hosting the year-end party at their home in Ajax on Friday, December 15th. More information has been sent in a separate email.  Please mark your calendars and RSVP.

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visit us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or Pickering MSC FB Group

Andy Manahan, President, on behalf of the PMSC Executive

December 4, 2023

Reminder! Pickering MSC Annual General Meeting

Please find attached the Agenda for Wednesday’s meeting and Meeting Notes from last years meeting.

Agenda for Wednesday’s Meeting

Meeting Notes from last years meeting

You’re invited to join us for the Pickering MSC Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Lone Star Texas Grill at 705 Kingston Rd in Pickering (in the plaza just east of Whites Rd. Please RSVP to secretary@pickeringmsc.ca.  We have already heard positive feedback and interest from members regarding attending the AGM as it provides an opportunity to meet your fellow swimmers in a friendly social environment. Come and enjoy a drink, some appetizers, or even a meal.

Your participation is necessary to confirm the Club Executive Slate of Officers who will provide leadership to ensure the Club is financially sustainable and is meeting the needs of the members.  As well, the current financial statement will be presented and requires approval.  An important focus of the meeting will be an open discussion about this year’s swim season and your interests going forward. Please consider your involvement in the Club and be prepared to bring your knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for swimming to shape the future of the Club.

Consider joining the Executive, new members are always welcome.

Proposed Pickering MSC Slate of Officers:

President – Andy Manahan

Vice President / Registrar – Dave McMullan

Treasurer – Ed Rutland

Secretary – Janet McMullan

Marketing & Communications – Elizabeth Watson and Naomi Eisenberg

Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca

Or visited us at  https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/

The Executive

Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)