2013 PMS Christmas Party – Friday Dec 20th

Hello PMS Members,

I would like to extend an invitation to all of you to attend the PMS Annual Christmas Party.  Paul Gemmink and his wife Marija have graciously offered to host the party again this year.  The annual Christmas party is always a must on everyone’s social calendar….you get to see what people look like without goggles!!!!  Spouse’s and children welcome.

  • Date:  Friday December 20th
  • Time: 7:30pm (Open house–feel free to drop in any time after 7:30)
  • Address: 539 Mountain Ash Drive, Pickering
  • BYOB 
  • Potluck — feel free to bring your favourite appetizer/dessert (typically food is plentiful so go easy on dinner) and you are welcome to use Paul and Marija’s oven/microwave/bbq if required

Hope to see you there.

Pickering Master Splashers Executive

Omni at the Pickering Swim Club meet on October 26/27

Omni Swim Aquatic Supplies will be at the Pickering Rec Centre this week-end. Unfortunately, they will not be giving the 20% discount you get when you go to the store in Scarborough since they pay part of their proceeds to the kids swim club. However, polyester swim suits will be 25% off this week-end. There will also be discounts on back-packs (a few of us have them if you would like to see one – Paul should be there this Thursday). There will also be some other discounts. Omni usually leaves around 2:00 or so at the latest. It would therefore be best to go in the mornings.

NO EXCUSES! – Clarington Swim Meet – November 30, 2013

The first swim meet of the 2013-2014 swim season our club is planning on attending will be the Clarington NO EXCUSES meet scheduled for Saturday, November 30, 2013.  The meet package can be accessed at:



A good group of us went last year and a lot of fun was had by everyone that went.  Some of us even swam well.

The Clarington people were really nice to us and seemed to enjoy having us there.  We were asked at some of the swim meets later that year if we would be coming back.

As everyone knows, there is no pressure in coming to a meet.  All of us cheer each other on.  After all, you are only swimming against and for yourself.

Meets 2013/2014

Clarington No Excuses Masters Meet November 30, 2013

North York Gators Pentathlon December 8 2013

Burlington Winter Splash February 9 2014

Ontario Provincial Championships March 28-30 2014 Windsor

All Out Swim University of Toronto April 26 2014

Thornhill Masters 3rd Annual Swim Meet May 4 2014

Canadian Masters Swimming Championships May 16-19 2014 Windsor

15th FINA World Masters Championships July 27th-August 10th 2014 (Swimming Sunday August 3-10)



Thornhill Meet May 2013

Congratulations to Andy, Paul, Gerhard, and Ursula on their recent meet in Thornhill group task management.  Between the 4 of them, they won 11 races, 2nd in 4, and two  3rd place results.