Pickering MSC Last Thursday of the Year Social Outing
You are invited.
We will meet at the Knight’s Corner after our last swim of 2023. You do not have to swim to join in the camaraderie. Just come after 10:15. All welcome whether you are actively swimming with the club or not. It is also 1/2 price night. So why not come out and have a bit and a pint (or other if you do not drink)
If you are on Facebook, please follow link FB Last Thursday of the Year Social
PMSC Executive
Any suggestions / questions / concerns may be directed to membership@PickeringMSC.ca
Or visited us at https://pickeringmsc.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/PMS.Swim.Club1/
The Executive
Pickering Master Swim Club (https://pickeringmsc.ca/)